Monday, March 14, 2011

[Captain's Log] No Place Like Home

Source: [Captain's Log] No Place Like Home

Captain Anjel's Log                               
by David "AnjelusX" Slauenwhite
February 15th, 1495

Ahoy mates, another entry for another week, one that takes me off the oceans for a bit of rest and enjoyment. While there’s always sailing to be done, there are times when you need to come off the ship and find a place to relax with your mates or stash some of your booty. Surely the bank vault is a helpful place for storing items of great importance, but we all know you can’t stash everything in there. Not only is it costly to switch out your gear or place your most precious of items. This is where buying some housing comes in, which you can also purchase from the bank in your home town for 5 million ducats. Even the free room you get at the dormitory has some small cubby space to put some of your loot it’s when you lay down some of your hard earned ducats to upgrade to normal housing that it begins to open up storage for several kinds of gear.

You can store the following types and numbers of items in your Rank 1 housing.
  • Equipment - 2
  • Documents - 2
  • Reserve Aides - 1
  • Ship Parts/Hardwares - 2
  • Trade Goods - 2
  • Mannequin - 1
  • Consumables - 2
  • Skill Books - 0 (Requires a Book shelf/Case)
  • Display Ornaments – 1

Of course when you upgrade the ranks of your housing it will open up more spaces for storing the various types of items. This is always handy as you progress through your travels collecting Fame and Ranks. You also have to spend some money and have some items on hand to complete the redesign, but this makes for extra spaces when your inventory is full and you need to save some important items that might not value enough for the vault yet keep them somewhere relatively safe.

An additional way to increase the space you have for storage in your home is to buy or craft furniture that you can place in your home. Different pieces of furniture affect which spaces you add to, and with the case of bookshelves/case, you open the door to allow for the storage of skill books rather than having to carry them around with you all the time. Furniture can be bought from other players whom have crafted them or acquired them from quests/discoveries or during special events. How you place them of course is a matter of taste and while you might not plan to use your home as anything more than an additional storage unit, you don’t want to clutter things up either. My old captain always told me neatness might not make money but it keeps the rats off the ship.

Finally, aside from giving your reserve aides somewhere to rest their weary heads and a place for you and 4 visitors to meet in some measure of privacy, perhaps for a rousing game of cards or just to trade old sea stories. You might find the need to protect the fruits of your labours, you might trust your friends but you never know with some of the old salty sea dogs out there. You can, with the appropriate trapping skill, set traps to protect your treasures, to defend your home from any blighters who might want to make off with your hard earned, fought, or pillaged loot. You never know about some of them pirate blokes out there in the world, better to be prepared and have a good trap ready to snap than to lose something you might rather not. Either way, save up your money and buy yourself a place to rest your weary bones and store your precious booty.

Fair Breezes and Safe Seas,
Captain Anjelus Xavier Infiniti

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