Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Total Freak, But I Love Them

Lady Gaga

Amy Winehouse

This thought happened to wander inside my head when my mom asked me if I could go with her tomorrow. 'Coz she wanted me to join a talent contest. Well, I came from a very talented family. My mom as well as her siblings was a singer. And my grandfather was a musician. In my generation, three of my cousins took this music career seriously and they are now singing to different parts of Asia. I am so proud of them. My mom on the other hand, is a bit disappointed. Because she wanted me to pursue singing but I chose to go to college. Not that she wants me to choose, but it was my fault since I was too confident that I can do it whenever I want it. So I focused more on my education and forgotten my ancestor's talent. So like she asked me if I'm going to join the contest what song will I sing? Then I told her " Oh mom, I want to sing Speechless or You Know I'm No Good." And she said "who's the artist?" I told her those are from Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse, respectively. And she was shocked and kinda annoyed. She said, "Don't tell me you're gonna act like 'em on stage?" Then I started asking myself, why I like the two freak? Why don't I hate 'em? Why... why them?

To tell you the truth, I love both of them. I love their voice and their fashion. Sadly, I believe Amy does a very bad lifestyle. I don't idolized them. I just love the way they sing. And the way they reach out to their listeners, especially Lady Gaga. What do you think about 'em? Yeah, they are freakishly freak. But they still have something good in them, ayt? ^^

1 comment:

Bobby C said...

Nice blog yyou have